LLumar Global Quick Energy Calculator – Introduction

Hello, and welcome to the LLumar Global Quick Energy Calculator (QEC)!

The Global QEC was developed to provide a quick, but accurate, tool for estimating the energy savings and return on investment (payback) for window film application to a commercial building. Often detailed energy audits are required by commercial property owners for this purpose, but such audits can be time-consuming and require many details.

The QEC was developed by the Eastman Performance Films Technical Enablement Group to give you an estimate of savings and payback with a limited amount of information. Hopefully you can complete the calculator in just a few minutes. An input form is included in the Main Menu above to assist you with gathering the information needed.

As an estimating tool, the QEC does have some limitations. A comprehensive audit requires over 100 inputs. The QEC is based on 15 of the more important items for determining energy savings, so may have somewhat less accuracy than a detailed audit. As indicated in the final report, there are other factors that can lessen the QEC’s accuracy. Based on testing we feel the QEC provides plus or minus 25% accuracy to that of a more detailed energy audit. This means if the QEC estimates a 4 year payback, a more detailed audit would likely give a payback in the range of 3 to 5 years.

If you have a question or comment, please send an email to: EastmanPF-QEC@eastman.com

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